Creation [Part 3] Hasta



HASTA is symbolized by HANDS. Hands allow us to create, connect, and communicate.

It weaves, constructs and directs.

Hasta is VIRGO, and therefore mercurial. This energy is quick, agile, and fickle. Think of fidgeting hands = ANXIOUS ENERGY.

But that's because there's so much mental energy coursing through HASTA natives. They're constantly picking up on information, searching, learning, curious and questioning.

Like hairs on the arms, there are thousands of antennas shifting the sensation of their perception, which can lead to being easily overwhelmed, overridden with other people's ideas and projections or not having an outlet to direct their energy so that their minds can rest and settle down, even if just for a moment. This can lead to vices that are numbing, in order to ease their erratic nature.

The actress that plays Maura Franklin, the lead character in 1899 has a HASTA moon.

The writer of the show, Jantje Friese, also has this placement.

When we're introduced to Maura, we experience her recollection of a traumatic experience in what appears to be a mental hospital or facility where she is kept.

She's asking where her brother is, and she's held back against her will. She says she wants to remember, but they inject her with something to forget.

HASTA is skilled, intelligent and capable. The character is a good example of this. She's a doctor, in a time when female doctors are uncommon, and immediately we see she's willing to help, and is confident enough to apply her skills.



We realize it's not her father, but that she's doing it to herself, and possibly her son, too, reflecting the Hasta energy of control over the uncontrollable situation. She's keeping them both in a fantasy land, but this may be only another layer to the story, with more nuances to be revealed later on in Season 2.

Although Virgo/Mercury are prevalent, the HASTA Nakshatra is ruled by the MOON, which further supports the ability for these natives to get carried away with their emotions, and feel that there is something hidden from them, that there's always more to understand, and how overwhelming it can feel to be a seeker.

Maura's father, Henry Singleton, says:

"We're born into this world either a seeker or an avoider. To be an avoider is pure bliss. To be a seeker, on the other hand, brings nothing but pain."

When there's a healthy level of acceptance, HASTA natives are cunning, quick and sly.

If they can channel their mental and emotional energy toward good, they're very capable and can easily create tangible results.

Think of what hands are capable of—A LOT. Good or bad, they hold a lot of power.

What do you wish to say or do?

It's restless, because it holds the universe, and all that wishes to expand.


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