Sher Sher

11 Ways Astrology Supports Psychology

Releasing Personal Attachments & Habits

Awareness is the first step in creating a real shift, and having an objective perspective along with the assistance of astrology can provide “a detachment from our mind and ego patterns.”

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Sher Sher

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in 2’ Scorpio @03:48 PST 10/25/22

Libra will be on the horizon, emphasizing this Venusian energy, boosting your sense of pleasure, love and the deep desires beyond the simplistic sensation of satisfaction from external delights. You are looking into the infinite mirror of your grandest possibilities. What will it take? What investments will you make?

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Astrology as a Path of Peace

Astrology: The Science of Planetary Energetics and its relation to all aspects of the Human Being

Understanding Astrology = Accepting Divine Design & Fate

Accepting Divine Design & Fate = Acknowledgement, Awareness and Understanding

Acknowledgement, Awareness and Understanding =

Ways of being that lead to Peace.

What if you don’t seek peace? Success in Love and Career then.

Well, you can have that too.

But remember, when or if you don’t have success…

…acceptance is the key.

Peace, therein, is a state of being that is easeful, and allows you to think and act clearly.

You’ll need to think and act clearly to achieve what you wish. 

So, it’s a win either way.
It is a mirror.

You can love or hate what you see, but with a clear mirror, a clear mind, you can see the Truth.

With the Truth, you can begin walking the path of acceptance in all things. 

In that, you will have peace and direction.
Whatever you wish—wills.
Whatever you will…

…is here for you if you choose. 

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“…once the individual is able to establish a rapport with one’s inner being, with one’s inner working of the mind, he could be able to relate that with different planets, which would give immense power in his hand for building his own life and shaping it towards the destined direction.”

—Bepin Behari, Solve Your Problems Astrologically

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