New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in 2’ Scorpio @03:48 PST 10/25/22

Sun & Moon will be Conjunct with Venus at the exact degree of 2’ SCORPIO.

A Taurus degree, signifying the reciprocal energy and effort that we place into people, places and projects. Libra will be on the horizon, emphasizing this Venusian energy, boosting your sense of pleasure, love and the deep desires beyond the simplistic sensation of satisfaction from external delights. You are looking into the infinite mirror of your grandest possibilities. What will it take? What investments will you make? 

This transit will be affecting Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Aries the most powerfully, shaking up your sense of self and your relationships, particularly your desires within those realms. This is not sudden, it’s not a one and done sort of job. This is the beginning, and for the next two weeks building up to the Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 at 16’ Taurus a lot will be revealed. Clarity will come. 

Taking a look into the end of this eclipse portal, I noticed that Libra is on the horizon once again at its maximum peak.  The Sun, Venus & Mercury will be close to the horizon, rising upward, bringing with it the shedding of dusk. A full circle closure, that began with a bubbling rise of emotional release, and complete with the planet of Mercury reigning in the chariot of a new dawn. This is a death and birthing process. Rest, replenish, and release. 

The past is dead and gone. You are everything you are now, perfectly as you were meant to be. 

Insights for Your Placements (Apply to Sun/Moon/Rising) 

ARIES - A burst of life force energy is coming through you now. Go ahead, and run. Rush forward into your passions, your pursuits. You are armored, prepared and able to clear the path before you. Whatever or whoever it is, offer yourself completely. Forget limitations, restraints or blocks. You will move through it swiftly. 

TAURUS - A new financial or relationship opportunity may make itself available to you soon. Remember to stand up for your needs as you enter any kind of partnership, and reach an agreement that feels fair. There’s more available than you’re used to believing. Reciprocation is the key word. 

GEMINI - You are larger than the future you’re headed towards, the dreams you envision. You hold the power in your hands to make the next steps happen. This is a potent portal for you to stream forward with your plans. Be clear and direct with your aim. 

CANCER - Take some time for yourself to get clear. You may have extended a lot of time and energy to others lately, or maybe you feel like you “should,” but keep trusting the need to go slow, since the next step is closer than you think. It may already be within reach. This is your permission to retreat from resistance and take care of yourself first. 

LEO - You have a lot of ambition, Leo, but you may not be recognizing how capable or well-deserved you are of receiving all that you dream about. In order to move forward with consistency and not feel burned out or defeated along your journey, you have to address the intimate relationship with your first priority: You. Without recognizing your worth and what you have to offer, how can anyone else? Your destiny/true love is waiting to meet you there once you do. 

VIRGO - The painful labor is finally reaching its end. You are embracing the new life that ushers in now, and with your unconditional love and care it will thrive. Clear the prickers beneath your feet. Stop going to places you know will hurt you. You are not only giving birth, but being birthed, leaving the dark comfort of the womb, and welcoming the possibility of expansion in your life, beyond your expectations—beyond what you think you know. 

LIBRA - Don’t shy from collaboration or opportunities of spaces that allow you to grow. You’re not in the same playing field anymore. You’re on a new horizon now, and it’s okay to trust the opportunities that reveal themselves to you. It might not be so upfront, or offer everything on a silver platter, but it is a nourishing soil that will become fruitful. Take a look at your talents, your natural abilities (what you can offer) and think of what (people, places, opportunities) can provide you with the necessary launch pad to make it happen. Show them the full breadth of what you’re capable of. 

SCORPIO - Raw, natural, authentic. No closed doors, no facades. Don’t disconnect from who you really are, because you’re afraid, or because you’ve opted to neglect it due to pain and fear. You will be receiving clarity with what’s working and what’s not. (Take an Epsom salt bath). And clear out the stagnant and the old. You’re re-emerging with a natural glow, one that is yours and no one else’s. 

SAGITTARIUS - Time to slooooow down. You’re not in control. You never were, but you decided to run because it feels good to feel the distance, the newness, the sharpness of the clear air striking you. Take a seat on the bench and refill your water bottle. You have been going for so long, and there’s nowhere else to go but where you are. It doesn’t have to be so hard all the time, for you to feel the thrill. You’re allowed to relax and receive. What does this mean? You’ll figure it out. It’s time to learn how to love yourself. 

CAPRICORN - You’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to do the “work” quickly. Remember that your engine needs to fuel. Success can be very enticing for you, but remember to ask yourself, why do I want to succeed? And what does success look like to me? Let yourself be bare. Let yourself be still, and find this to be worthy. If your physical manifestation of your consciousness, a.k.a. your body, cannot be worth your value, then nothing else should take precedence. 

AQUARIUS - All eyes on you, Aquarius…but it might not feel so good? What’s circling in your thoughts that’s creating this sense of pressure, and build up? Beyond the judging eyes of others (mostly yourself), you’ll discover you’re stepping toward a vast field of gold. And you cannot take everything with you. You know what’s no longer working, you know which beliefs are no longer serving you. Leave that dusty old backpack at the bottom of the hill and ascend to your throne.

PISCES - Completion. A lot of energy, along with buried emotions, will surface for you now, but in a dynamically powerful way. This momentum of energy will scoot you along, inviting new opportunities, connections, routines, and ways of being into your life. You are encouraged to daydream, to trust the source of the stream to guide you toward a larger playing field. 


Exploring 1899 & Dark [Part 1] Bharani & Uttara Bhadrapada


New Moon in 2’ Libra 14:54 PST 09/25/22