New Moon in 2’ Libra 14:54 PST 09/25/22

Big shifts are underway, so be kind to yourself.

Check Your Sun/Moon/Rising for insight into the new phase of this chapter.


The chaos has settled, and you’re coming face to face with yourself. Now is the time to harness your power and step into the abilities you may have neglected or set aside. You’re leaving the pain behind, and with it any indecision you’ve been dealing with. It’s not so much about what to ‘do,’ rather who you’ll be. 


You may be holding onto a situation…a place or person. And there’s a lot of resistance to going around or allowing it to move past you. Hence, letting it move past YOU, not the other way around. Steadily shed the weight that keeps you anchored to where you are. There is a strong call for you to let go of fixing or “figuring out.” 


You’re getting an oomph of divine support in your endeavors. The vision is coming together. You’re clear with what you’re creating, building, nurturing. You may receive support from someone, or be in a safe place now to nurture your growth. 


Self-worth and love abound. You’re getting out of your head and into your heart, where your greatest strengths lie. You’re recognizing that when you allow yourself to radiate the natural love you feel, you feed yourself and everyone around you. This is necessary, considering the external circumstances that may make your head whirl. Stay in love.


Willpower is the theme the next two weeks. It’s not a fight, it’s an effortless, inevitable becoming. You are increasing in power, and with that your energy expands. Be sure to have a clear direction to usher in your vision. 


When you least expect it, you’ll receive a welcoming hand, a warm hug, an eternal embrace. You’ll soon understand why it had to happen this way. The natural way of change guarantees an ebb and flow, and you’re riding the rise of the next wave. 


You’re grasping the bigger picture now. With that, you see your place in it all. You are the unconditionally giving mother/father. Your love is opening up doors of opportunity. Don’t focus on the how, know that it is coming, the perfect piece to the grand design.


Similar to Libra, place your trust in the plan. The only obstacle you’ll face is you. No second guessing, no regret. You hold the vision, and it will be as you see it. Next time you think to look for the answers, stop. Take more pauses the next two weeks. The space in-between is where the music happens. 


All the work, the love, the natural way of being that you are that you have given is coming back to you, and for some of you it’s already here. There is natural building of resources and wealth coming to you. Your past may creep in with doubt, but you’re on a new path now, and it’s easier than what you thought. 


For an earth sign, you’re feeling a bit ungrounded. You may keep it together, or mentally remind yourself that you’re fine, but remember that you can’t think your way out of it. Shedding can be a slow process. Zoom out, and let the bigger vision guide you through this time. There’s nothing to decide right now. 


You’ve been putting yourself out there, inviting new experiences, opening your heart. The call for you now is to go within, taking with you all the information you’ve gathered, and allow the crystal of your being to form in the quiet of the storm. New life is brimming underneath the surface of the cocoon. 


Treading water is the message coming up for you. A decision is weighing on you, but you know clearly which one holds opportunity, and which one will pull you back into the pain of the past. Hold on, and let yourself be carried out of the waters. You are supported. Grab a hold of the resources that offer itself to you now.


New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in 2’ Scorpio @03:48 PST 10/25/22


Full Moon in 17’ Pisces 08:58 PST 09/10/22