Love for Love’s Sake

You cannot have me
You cannot have anyone
I am not yours to take
Love is not ours to make
I am here, in love with you now
What more do you want?
When will love’s presence be enough,
for you to feel satisfied?
Should we draw a contract?
Should I bind myself to you?
Will you be mine by the same law?
What does it take,
until you understand I am not yours
to have. This is not yours to take.
There is no prison where love goes,
yet you build a prison for me to reside — 
What love is this?

Yours, mine, ours or not.
What love can exist in a closed circuit of limited being?
In wanting more of what’s already here?
All, you want it all.
You want what you cannot have.
You want what some others lack.
You want the crumbs of the golden placard
which you’ve written upon it,
your hopes.

But the story you’ve sown is a loveless trope.
You cannot have me
You cannot have anyone
I am not yours to take
Love is not ours to make
You are here with me now
You are here, with love
What more do you want?
When will it be enough?
When will it be enough?

I’m tired of your qualms, your demands,
your needs unsatisfied. It is not for me to give.
It is not yours to take.
Love is love for love’s sake.
Take it or leave it alone, for god — 
knows love is no one’s to hold
Love is here with you now.
Love is all there is,
so choose.

What will it be?
Because you cannot have me.
You cannot have anyone.
Love is not for your taking,
but an endless making,
an eternal choice.
Love, and loving,
and loving,
and loving,
and loving…

