
Fluidity surprises me. 

It comes through like white pearls and tea, 

not mushy, or gooey, not what I thought.

A divine decline as I find the sweet essence in thee,

a freedom found, never have I seen 

but am yet to see,

to know and to hold.

Wherefore I show this or that! What’s that

Ambiguous and devious nature dies,

birthing to be what is nomenclature. 

Nothing’s wrong, only right, 

to be found.

Come on! You got this, go and feel bliss!

Forget the struggle and surrender to the sound; 

it’s all that is, it’s all around.

Tempting damnation looks easy but suffers.

Bright climbs onto unknown mounts

of surpassing surmise,

A satisfaction to be had

like a bowl of succulent kiwis—

so convenient, so quick a jab.

Slippery elm takes what is overwhelm

in this body, this vehicle that weighs me. 

Clear the vessel which takes me to heaven. 

I’d like to get there swiftly. 

Thank you, 

I say to myself. 

Thank you for uplifting me, finding gratitude, 

facing the challenge of being what is,

what’s always been.


You already know how the story goes:

you grow, you unfold, you die, you turn into gold, 

shine bright in the heavens and join a star in the sky, 

a collective source

to reinforce and fine tune— 

the guide, 

the compass north. 

All is in the truth beyond,

in expansion, and love. 

It is the fall, the falling in love,

 a trust opening, a process of giving,

because giving never ends.

It is the way. 

to break barriers of separation,

the cycle of life and death. 

It is the gift of life to those who choose 

to forgo their woes. 

Forget, forgive, release.

Fall free, feel all, find ease.


I’m sorry.

