You’ll Glow
Sher Sher

You’ll Glow

...and people will ask, how did you do it? How did you turn it on? What's the secret?

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Sher Sher


We seek to feel joy and be welcomed by it, and for it.

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I am not here
Sher Sher

I am not here

What’s it like to be a part of the world?

To take part and feel the resonance within ourselves, within our souls, to know that there is a place for everyone, all choices and opinions, and know—

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The Paradox
Sher Sher

The Paradox

It’s paradoxical, and while we experiment with virtues and get a little high, we run to tell everyone we found the answer, we got the result but it was only one little magic trick.

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A Message From the Stone People
Sher Sher

A Message From the Stone People

Somewhere in the forests of Southern Oregon…

I opened my heart and approached a guardian rock to ask if it would share a story with me. It said ‘No.’ So I asked again, differently this time, “Will you share a story with me… to tell others?”

It agreed.

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Your Will, Your Way
Sher Sher

Your Will, Your Way

When you sit with nature, are the trees uniform? Do the trees bend due to thoughts of righteousness?

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I’m sorry.
Sher Sher

I’m sorry.

What a never-ending crease in my manifold,

what a life I have created manifest.

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Waiting Until Noon
Sher Sher

Waiting Until Noon

Waiting until noon, when the sun gives out and the wind breaks and nature says you’ll die too, you’ll die soon.

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