You’ll Glow

...and people will ask, how did you do it? How did you turn it on? What's the secret?

I write because it keeps me sane, because I need to do something for myself before I start working for someone else, just like we do anything in the morning, this moment is a moment to address me. A reminder maybe of why I’m doing what I’m doing, why I’m doing anything at all. Some days I need that reminder to work, to put in the effort, to be inspired. I wondered at the drive of people around me. They have something they believe in, enough to do something about it, so I wanted to reflect upon what I believe in.

What do I believe in? What drives me enough to promote and share it? I believe in art and creative expression, before and beyond anything to do with attaining enlightenment. What do I mean by this? I believe in the individual signature, the creativity of one mind or many put together to create something beautiful. I believe in the awe of creating and witnessing creation.

Why before and beyond enlightenment? Do I think it’s better? No. I think it’s beautiful, and it’s something that’s easily accessible right now. Sure, enlightenment can be attained in the now, and it will and it is, and that is what it is all about. But music, art, film, dance, these things are god’s creation in human form, and I think if we’re here, it is a miracle we must honor. Who can deny the beauty in this?


If people wish to become wise and see things clearly that’s a beautiful thing too. The path to spiritual enlightenment is an art, too. We choose practices and routes that help us to better understand ourselves—find out why we do the things we do, why we’re driven the way we are, to take the finger and point it back to us, instead of “Here, this way—do that—do this—come this way, or no go that way.” The true path is a creative outlet that births from within. It is an inward focus.

Let’s focus more on ourselves, shall we?

Then, you’ll glow. You’ll glow and people will ask, how did you do it? How did you turn it on? What’s the secret? And you tell them it lies within, to stop searching, stop asking, and remember: “You have the key, the answer, the way.” It’s yours and yours alone.

There’s no external gratification or reward that comes from one practice, one way, or lineage. There are many and the reward is subtle, yet permeating, and it’s whatever you choose. Remember: do it your way, do what your heart tells you, do what feels right to you. Forget what society says, your friends say, your teachers say. If you actually take the time to reflect and listen, you’ll know and you’ll remember. It’ll reawaken within, and it’s a daily effort, yes! Just like anything. It’s a daily choice.

What’s important to me may not be as important for you, what’s important for you may not be as important to me. But we honor each other for our choice, for what we love, and we do not have to subscribe or agree to it. We don’t have to get angry at the world for not doing as we wish or want. We don’t have to go around judging the wrong-doing of others, thinking, “Why can’t more people be like this—be like me, care more, care like us, care like we do, why can’t more people see???” They see what they wish to see, and when you radiate your truth within, maybe they’ll see it too. You won’t have to say anything or do anything to convince anyone… 

You’ll show up for you, and you’ll feel so satisfied and gratified that you won’t be stomping around frustrated, force-feeding your way to anyone else, convincing your political viewpoints and personal agendas—“I want it my way!”

You want people to agree with you, back your stance to create the protective bubble that keeps you from yourself. You want someone to say “you’re right!” And that’ll be your high of the day, you’ll sleep good at night, until the next day when you find another soul to convince, once again, to join your crusade. 

Ash Allen

“More people are awakening!”

Are we waking up or finding another circus to play in? Are we wiser than those before or are we finding new ways to consume and sell the secret ingredient of immortality, because we’re getting more desperate, more convincing with data, deeper in our own illusion, masking consumerism with the way of spirit? This is a negative way of looking at it, of course, but personally, I’m getting tired of it… I think slowly, we all are… the heart is growing weary of our own sense of righteousness. Of parading what’s right, or doing what we ‘believe’ in, and shaming those who don’t… We’re getting tired of the ego and its games. It is tiring… so what do we do about? What is this within us that can be addressed? How can we release this and be unbothered once again in order to create freely, in joy—or painful catharsis…

We all have a message to share. Something to say, because we must, because the heart yearns for it, because you are.

For you, and no one else, as it should be. As it was always meant to be.

"We like to imagine there’s an invisible thread that ties us to our fate, and often we yearn for it—to know who or what is tied to the other end waiting to greet us in our near future. Yet, we wish to be free do we not? Here lies an interesting paradox.” — Because You Are: Reflections on Being and Becoming by Sher Kirti

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