Full Moon in 17’ Pisces 08:58 PST 09/10/22

A lot of mutable energy is in the air (Virgo Sun & Venus, Gemini Mars, Pisces Moon), opening up the space for ideas, swift change, and new direction.

Think about what values have settled into place… You’re closing out on a big chapter now, riding steadfast toward the next, embarking on an even bigger journey. What thought strikes you first? You may already know what’s calling. 

What have you been nurturing for the past 6 months?

You’re ready to set sail into the depths of your ocean.

The message has been received, and you’re already on your way…and for those who aren’t sure, try something different. Switch up anything in your life that feels stagnant. You’ll soon receive clarity with the space you create.

Check the reading for your Sun, Moon & Rising for insight: 


The light is there, but a switch has turned it off. There’s resistance around looking at what’s available to you. The sun has set once again, like it does each day, but there’s a focus on what has been lost or what’s not yet there (the sun will rise, again, too). Maybe there was a missed opportunity, where you felt you didn’t get to do what you wanted. It’s all perspective. 

You may feel like you lost a resource that is vital to you. Why this is coming up is to remind you of the resources always available, inside of you. Take a moment to review the messages you’ve already received. Clarity is available to you, but maybe you’ve chosen to look around it, or neglect the clues altogether. You’re resisting it because something happened recently that you’re not happy about. Take time to gather your resources and be supported in your endeavors. Allow others to step in and support you in this time, as well. 

Rather than standing over your own shoulder to shame and pity, remember to tell yourself it’s okay, you’re doing good, and ‘we’ll figure this out together.’

Listen to what’s really calling you, not what you’re pressured to do, or what you’ve always done. What areas have you neglected that feel good to you? Redirect your energy there. 


You’re letting someone go. Their energy is still present, or more so, the relationship (friend, romantic, work) projections are still glimmering in your focus, so you feel some resistance around the process of letting them go fully. You’re in a very clear and sharp place, where you’re letting go of everything that’s not serving you, and you’re doing it with PRECISION. You know what you want your life to look like, and you’re the casting director of the film, reviewing takes and making cuts left and right.


Mars is in your sign for a while, and with that, exciting things are rushing in for you, fulfilling, nurturing, and satisfying you. The warmth of new life enters, oiling the old, the stagnant and stuck energies, freeing you, swiftly. This energy is like an energetic and emotional lube, pulling, detoxifying and clearing out gunk that’s been keeping you down, until now. This full moon is saying ‘let’s get you out of there,’ out into the open, and onto the next. 

Leave behind old dreams, ideals, goals, and projects that may have the driving force, getting you to where you are now. It’s time to lay what’s dead and gone to rest, and be gentle with yourself in the process, because it’s tough to say goodbye to old ways of being, thinking, or doing. This is creating space for a beautiful new energy, and as the tide rises and falls, you’ll discover what’s been hidden. Any questions you’ve been pondering will reveal itself. Remember, change can be subtle, like a generous wave of energy and emotions, to renew the present relationships and projects you already have.



You know you’re in the right place, but may be hesitant and a bit on guard, because you’re multitasking, and you don’t often prefer that. You like your routine, the general way things go in your life. When changes happen, it can feel a bit startling for you, making you feel ungrounded, leading you to shy away from life, settling into your safe space. With that, you’re bringing a lot to life where you’re planted.

The stillness is serving you in supporting the growth of new life (projects, creations). The full moon asks you to take in the beauty of the roses of your lone-cultivated garden. Versus, dwelling on what to do next, how you can gather the flowers and bundle them up to sell at the nearest market…

Now is not the time to rush ahead. Embrace the stillness, and honor what’s there. Be a witness, and notice how it’ll all fall into place, rather than forcing it to be.



This full moon is a massive completion, and sometimes our ego doesn’t like that. It wants to sample the whole display before deciding which option is best. You already know which way to take, what you want, and what it looks like. But it can feel like an unattainable dream, yet it’s destined and that’s why you’re seeing it in the first place! There is vast potential with what’s alive, but you know what feels best. Remember, to focus on what FEELS best, in the highest alignment, and not what looks or seems best or is most ‘desired.’ 

Any resistance, hesitation, or blocks that are showing up is only reflecting the lack of trust in what you already know, revealing old wounds and beliefs around yourself and what you deserve. The stream is already flowing, opening towards a new center, a new pool of opportunity that will sustain you and give you everything you’re looking for. Don’t hold on to where you are in the stream, otherwise the pressure will build upon your back. Let go.

Relax into the process.

Start small. What are some simple ways you can integrate the practice of letting go today? Taking a moment to cry, or go find the nearest full moon drum circle (or club) and get wild. Enjoy the little ways in which you can surrender, because it will build the muscle when the time comes to face the bigger things. Move. Connect. Reflect. You’re the only source of guidance that you need.

Let go of the voice that’s telling you, you don’t deserve that castle in the sky. The practice of releasing, one place, one step, at a time, will steadily get you there.


Slow down and pull away from the options, the excitement, the never-ending search…

You may be in overdrive, and yet you’re in the perfect place. There is a divine harmony taking place, and your job is to receive the deliverance with joy. There’s no need to stress out about it, or ‘figure it out.’ You’re already doing what is needed, so there’s no rush in getting it done. Zoom in, and take in your surroundings. You may be focusing out more than is needed, fixating on the heights you’ll climb in the distance. But there’s a sacred communion happening now, much love to share and experience. 

There’s a tendency to shop for what’s next, what’s needed, a gathering, of sorts. Let the planning and perfecting fall away. You’ve already set the pieces in motion, and there’s more magic to be found in where you are. Take a moment to appreciate what you’ve cultivated and all the wisdom you have to share. The advice here is to recognize how far you’ve come, and to let go of your youthful tendencies of reaching for the next and the next and the next. Be where you are, with who you are and what you have. Sit back and take in the work you’ve done thus far, and bask in it, and share it, and most importantly, ENJOY IT.


You’re exploring, you’re having fun, you’re basking in the riches you’ve created, but there’s a looming energy, like you’re looking behind your shoulder, wondering ‘what’s next’? ‘Where’s the next challenge, or obstacle I’ll inevitably face?’

You’re seeking for comfort in the confusion, or maybe safety in knowing it will come, but this full moon is laying a path out for you to take a brisk walk, and mind your own business. Appreciate your surroundings, and take in the reward of enjoying what you’ve created.

Focus on yourself, most importantly. If you feel something has been hidden, or unsettled within you, maybe from a dispute with another, leaving you cycling with mental unrest, this full moon will reveal the whole picture. You’ll realize why it had to happen the way it did, and you’ll feel clear about it, relieved even. Case closed or not, you’re ready to scrap the investigation.

Behind the screen of smoke and mirrors, you’ll get a clear view of what’s available to you, and understand that whatever you endured it only one lesson, and it has nothing to do with who you are or where you’re at on your journey. Simply, an experience to have, and move on from.


There’s an innocent part of you emerging, eagerly looking forward to the newness and embracing what’s coming in, but the other half of you is lingering with an old situation. Even though you know you’re ready to leave it all behind you, honor yourself, and nurture yourself in this process, there’s a hidden aspect of sadness permeating in your being. Maybe you’re choosing not to look at it, or no one in your life knows how you’re really feeling about it all…

You’re asking, ‘how can I?’ How can I continue to love, and give, when I have poured my heart into something that sucked it up dry. You’re in a very vulnerable place right now, but you trust the why and what of it all. You know it’s serving you, but you can’t help and feel bitter about a few things. You’ve been hurt…but the heaviest part is over, like the storm of tears that surge, you’re now listening to the trickling aftermath, the lingering sniffles of a heartache. Although you feel clear, light, and hopeful, you’re also depleted and need to rest. Don’t let it fester, thinking about it day in and day out. Let what is dead, lie. Redirect your energy toward your purpose, your work.

You are an alchemist, wearing your transformed pain like a badge, a truth, lighting the torch that guides you forward.


You’re slowly progressing forward, putting your investments back out there, planting the seeds for new ventures to thrive. You’re clear with where you are now, and you’re excited to have all of this newfound energy after a period of resetting, to kick-start all the projects you’ve been waiting to begin.

You’re a phoenix rising from the ashes, and despite any chaos or current changing affairs, what’s burned lays the soil for your new ground.

The traditional ruler of Pisces is Jupiter (Ruler of Sagittarius), so this full moon is amplifying your investments. The time, effort, and energy you’ve input are paying off. You’re in a positive self-fulfilling cycle of energy, adding fuel to your own fire as you create, and building momentum toward something greater, something maybe unexpected. 


You’ve endured a lot, and you feel you’ve done it all alone. I believe you see why it’s happening, or you have the grace to trust the process you’re going through. There’s an opportunity steadily approaching, but you’ve been isolated in your thoughts, your sorrow. It’s time to take a look around you, maybe sit with yourself outside, and take in the space, look up and notice the sky, feel the vastness of it. Soon you’ll notice what’s coming in, and also, what you already have, and who is supporting you. Take a moment for gratitude.

Feel that inner source of light guiding you, opening you up to experience grace, support, love, and ease. Make the conscious effort to pull away from the wallowing, pity and isolation, to gracefully re-enter the world, so that you can be supported. When you remain closed, fixated on what’s not okay, you create a self-fulfilling prophecy of the very thing you don’t want.

Opportunity awaits outside of your self-contained environment. Notice what’s available when you look around, as you are cultivating a more balanced perspective. Discernment is the sword of truth, and it can direct, clear, and cut. It can weigh you down, or it can clear the path. 


Put a stop to the seeking and recognize that this is the perfect time to take care of yourself and tend to your needs. Focus on you. You have your destination set on big things, and there are indeed big things coming for you, but the only thing you need to focus on right now is how you can fill your own cup. How can I receive love? Start small, and ask yourself, ‘How can I receive just a little bit more today than yesterday?’ ‘How can I savor this moment?’ ‘Allow myself to be supported by someone else?’ See the gift available to you in each moment. Take a break from figuring it out, wondering when this or that is going to happen. When you’ll meet the ‘one,’ or when you’ll settle down, or have the business of your dreams, or start building the family that you want, or the house…


But you must see the value in the little things. Slow down and stop seeking for what you don’t have, so that you can appreciate what you do. And WHY is that important?

As corny, or as frustrating as it may sound to ‘live in the moment,’ it’s essential. Because once you get the things you “want,” if you haven’t yet cultivated the presence to enjoy what you already have, the external additions won’t matter. You’ll still be in the same mindset then, as you are now…poverty-stricken, where you won’t notice a difference once you’ve attained the things you believed would cure your anxieties.

Release the ideas of what you want. Be free from the burden of having to fulfill anything, at all! Once you do, you’ll begin to truly receive it. You’re now magnetizing it toward you rather than repelling it by yearning after it. When we wallow, we’re not productive, creating a black hole, reducing energy, rejecting productivity. So, how can you get energy flowing?

Often, we forget that Aquarius is a fixed sign. Burn away ideas no longer serving you, ideas of what you want, or how it should look… Sometimes, when you’re so adamant on being a rebel, you go against the grain just for the sake of being different. Free yourself from the restraint of an idealized reputation. 


Although it’s not your solar season, it is YOUR SEASON. You’re being given a reflection of your true grace and power, in all that you’ve done, everything you’ve received, achieved…

You’ve been patient, and you’re receiving a dose of joy, a burst of color. You’re a fully formed butterfly, displaying all of your beauty. You have your wings, and you’re in awe of what you’ve created. I’m hearing, ‘How wonderful it is, to be me!’ 

Who, or what, is not treating you in the ways that you are worthy of now? 

The advice for you, Pisces, this full moon is to review what situation(s) can be left behind. It’s okay if you’re still sad about it, just don’t look back. You’ve held space for it long enough. You’re in a beautiful new space now, so clear out the cobwebs, and welcome the light in, letting it grace the corners you’ve kept hidden. When you’ve been in the dark for so long, the light can feel threatening, overwhelming, and you may grimace in its presence. You might even believe you don’t want it, but it’ll only take a moment to adjust (or some time, as long as you need).

Let yourself be surrounded by love now, only love. 


New Moon in 2’ Libra 14:54 PST 09/25/22