
Channels, little squares online,

in the media. Created feeds 

shared as individual beings, 

projected spirits into simulated seeing.

Connection, dedication, invocation.

Lies, victims of self-despise,

blasted information high on the wires.

We create what we do to create that which is new, 

to color the world another hue. 

One of light,

one of darker, few.

Carry the torch, a brilliant blue. 

Oh see blue light, blue pill. 

More to feed the confusion 

with every notification. Clear away the grid, 

step out of the box stretched out, 

shaped like a door, an entrance into another world. 

A clicker of this or that, what’s new, what’s lack? 

What does the news say, what does myself, nay

What does my psyche project? 

Competing circuses of loading circles

Once in, you’re out. Which one are you working with? 

Be here, not there, 

not somewhere near, be here. 

Now don’t get in your head about it.

Like the rain brushing the window outside 

I hear, all is neutral, 

nothing to fear. Essence of mind 

holds messy trines. Grab ahold, 


unwind tangled timelines.

Nothing else is real, 

but the new; the movement forward,

the growth toward--

Inferior, superior.

All beings, far and few.

Open up and begin anew,

all counts missing, cloud saints 

blessing, you choose.

What do you want to do?

Embrace the fact,

there’s really one way or that,

of suffering forever or--

you choose.

Be bliss, bearer of burdens, or black.

Curious eyes seek to find clearer skies and that’s alright, that’s alright.

Do that! Feel alive!

With all or with-all

Here, we free-fall.

Come up and give a hand.

Let's start again with God’s land.

Enticing games can wait,

Emerald cities aren’t too late.

They’re here, waiting for blessed hands,

seeded demands, to rise up with God’s plan!

Nurture her soil, for it is our bodies in her care.

A fertile nest of green art, leaves, 

grass, plants and seeds. 

One with one heart beating,

open and free, watch nature unfold.

Heightening beauty, clearing the old.

Come let’s see,

you already know,

it’s only waiting to show.

The wonders of light,

a love made right.



