Love is the way for all to say
that which we know but dare not follow—
follow the way of the past, of dangers harassed.
Forget it, extract and extricate it.
Rebirth awaits and calls to you
Rise up, rise up!
Your love is true.
Be you. Thank you.
I see you. Thank you.
A free you.
Sea adventures, and saline life force
Creator’s creation, perfect ideation
Nothing to separate,
nothing is disparate.
Truth is
We Are.
All is.
Love fulfills,
so choose your path. This is heaven.
Be crystal clear. Shine in and outward, and begin
to see beauty in all of this,
the green and fertile mirth.
The mother holds you to nurture truth
She is, like we are
One light
One lifetime of ferocious birth
Go beyond, my child
Live life, wild!
It’s all for you and made by you
Yes, it’s all for you!
Receive it with gratitude.
Listen. She calls.
Glisten, she falls
From the showering mountains
Of zen monks humming
And elves’ harp strumming
Emanation of the divine
All is aligned