Missing Me

Does it hurt to look at the empty bedroom?

To think that it was me who carved this hole out,

that I pushed you away?

Or is it that I am free

and I let you go so easily?

Seems opposite to some 

but I know you understand,

that true love never dies.

It is only making space 

to be re-birthed again.

I feel more peace now, 

so I’ll take your emptiness

because I know now

this is me.

I am filling the void

with presence and love.

No more pressure or weight

in my mind without you around. 

I felt comforted by you for so long

I didn’t realize

it was slowly eating me away

until you left and I felt the bareness,

the open wound where I allowed you to vacate.

So now I know

the emptiness was not missing you,

but it was missing me. 




I Am The One