Queen of Treasured Parts

Your beauty surmises surprise 

because it is a deep knowing 

when I listen and hear the spirit 

it glows in the image of you. 

Clear and wide eyes taking in all that’s underneath the ego disguises 

your love cleanses and clears 

it provides those who are near with breath and life-giving death 

transformation easing into blissful cataclysmic opening of the heart. 

Breaker of closed minds, queen of treasured parts.

All that you are.

All that I am.

A seed of truth planted in a sea of stars.

Bright cries succeeding lies,

you see both and are neither. 

You give all and are wiser,

empty and eternal. 

An astounding view of heights claimed,

sweet and maternal.

Valleys carved brand new, beginning and end.

Chest puffing, darkness huffing in anticipation of your greatness,

your infinite light source.

You are a delightful song, an irresistible force of nature’s timing.

Slow and unwinding.

Perfect, just perfect.

egyptian myth on Tumblr.jpg



As You Do Your Sorrow