What’s it like to be a part of the world?
To take part and feel the resonance within ourselves, within our souls, to know that there is a place for everyone, all choices and opinions, and know—
It’s paradoxical, and while we experiment with virtues and get a little high, we run to tell everyone we found the answer, we got the result but it was only one little magic trick.
Somewhere in the forests of Southern Oregon…
I opened my heart and approached a guardian rock to ask if it would share a story with me. It said ‘No.’ So I asked again, differently this time, “Will you share a story with me… to tell others?”
It agreed.
When you sit with nature, are the trees uniform? Do the trees bend due to thoughts of righteousness?
Waiting until noon, when the sun gives out and the wind breaks and nature says you’ll die too, you’ll die soon.
Releasing Personal Attachments & Habits
Awareness is the first step in creating a real shift, and having an objective perspective along with the assistance of astrology can provide “a detachment from our mind and ego patterns.”
Uttara Bhadrapada coils and tightens, like the serpent symbol, strong, yet moving effortlessly through its journey, while still wielding the power to strike at any moment.
They are the epitome of natural power and grace.
Libra will be on the horizon, emphasizing this Venusian energy, boosting your sense of pleasure, love and the deep desires beyond the simplistic sensation of satisfaction from external delights. You are looking into the infinite mirror of your grandest possibilities. What will it take? What investments will you make?
Big shifts are underway, so be kind to yourself.
Check Your Sun/Moon/Rising for insight into the new phase of this chapter.
A lot of mutable energy is in the air (Virgo Sun & Venus, Gemini Mars, Pisces Moon), opening up the space for ideas, swift change, and new direction.
“How can I explore these symbols? What action can I take? How can I invite it into my life versus just speculating about it?”
The soul is a free agent, and when it’s unhappy with its environment or circumstance in our waking world, it leaves.
A lot of the time, the message of the dream is within the dream itself, especially if it’s cut short. If it’s cut short and hasn’t really ended, we have to go back in and end it.
I remember.
I remember.
It’s a game we’ve been set under.
Queen of Treasured Parts
You are a delightful song, an irresistible force of nature’s timing.
Breath of Love
What a fantasy. What a dream,
a concept drawn via bibliomancy.
She is, like we are
One light
One lifetime of ferocious birth
We've lost the language to talk about dreams.