Your Will, Your Way

GülCan Karadağ - oil / gold leaf on canvas

Gratitude is the key to Love, and Love is the key to everything, to overcoming, creating and building everything. What else is there to do, when we have gratitude and love even for the challenges? Because from those challenges we grow, and we learn, and from that we discover more peace—if we let it be a lesson and not a wrongdoing, a hurt or betrayal, a memory that warns us to protect ourselves from future possibilities of the same.

Because it will, and it will prove to you again and again that you’re right.

Of course you’re right! And that’s what people don’t realize they want most, is to be right, more than to be happy. You’d rather get hurt, disappointed and left to keep your familiar stories, than to choose differently and experience the beautiful, blissful possibilities that love and life has to offer you. It is easier said than done too, of course, of course. Yes, we acknowledge your hurt! Okay, yes, you’re allowed to feel! Of course, yes! Please, do feel the hurt, feel the pain, but recognize that that is just it. Hurt, pain, mental anguish, physical discomfort, and—? What else?

Don’t let it become your truth of the world, or of yourself.

Don’t let the experience of pain allow you to forget that there is so much love. The reason why it is easier to forget or we cannot compare is because, to be honest most of us haven’t experienced true bliss, and with some of us, only glimpses of this immense gratitude, and overwhelming heart-opening bliss. The moments that allow you to recognize that there is nothing else, that Love and Source is never-ending and is the only thing that’s real, just like when we hurt and we are all doom and gloom and the only thing that feels real is pain and suffering, and that is true too. But more of us have been down in those depths, or maybe not, maybe we caught a glimpse of that and never allowed it to happen again. That happens too. So what then? You’re neither living in bliss or pain, you’re barely living at all. You’re “content,”” and there is a zen quality to that, but there’s a difference between true neutrality and avoidance.

You allow the pain, and you allow the excitement, and the heightened love experiences, because you’re not afraid to lose it, and you know you’ll make it through. Either way, it passes. So you can feel it all, and feel whatever you choose. Feel pain forever if you need be, maybe this life is for you to feel intensely through it all, well that’s okay too. That’s your medicine, that is your path. Don’t resist it. THERE IS NO WRONG WAY, NO SHOULD OR SHOULDN’T. IT’S ALL PERFECTLY FINE, and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO TO CHANGE SOMEONE ELSE’S WORLD, and IF YOU DO??? Well, don’t pat yourself on the back, because you’re not doing them any favors, unless you invite them, gave them space, maybe a suggestion and they make that choice themselves out of their own pure desire, but if you force or coax or convince someone else to do something for you that is not what they truly want? There is nothing justifiable as “right” in that case, no matter what “good” you believe you’re doing.

When you allow others to be as they wish, and let them come to you or their own way on their own, that is nature, that is natural law. Allow it to be as it wishes to be. That is all. There is nothing else to do. Be how you wish and let others be too. That’s it! Don’t you see? When you sit with nature, are the trees uniform? Do the trees bend due to thoughts of righteousness? It may move to adjust to its environment, but so does all. They move together, adjust in harmony, and grow in uniform with another, to become something uniquely special and all their own, no ideas or enforcements to become what they are, only circumstances and what feels good, what feels right, and what is being allowed.

So allow life to guide you, and allow your feelings to adjust, and recognize when it is okay, you don’t have to enforce your way. You can wait, and you don’t have to play small either, you can show up and do whatever you want right now or tomorrow! Forget honor and duty!!!

Those words and ideals are not as honorable as you think. They are programs of obedience dressed in beautiful vowels, as shiny aims, meant to guide you into someone’s old idea of what’s right. What’s right feels right to you?

But have discernment because there’s a difference between stuffing your face, and taking it slow, because at the end of the day what feels best to you? And hey, if that day you wish to shove a cake into your face and you felt high and blissful about it, then that was perfect. That was okay. No need to shame a moment’s worth of beauty because it is deemed poor in your own mind, because it adds up to something you think has to continue, something you believe needs to change.

Moment to moment, release, let go, and begin again. Adjust, flow and allow. Relax and—you know what—don’t! Forget it all! Forget everything I just said. Do what you think is best, and share your truth. Something or someone needs that experience too, of your truth. Don’t hold back. It’s all perfect, whatever way you choose. But if you wish to not suffer, don’t take anything or any of this life too seriously. I have to tell myself that every day. Let yourself be free, and free doesn’t have to be wild. Free can be the choice of discipline because you want and will it to be so.

You wish for it, so it is your freedom.


A Message From the Stone People


Why do the things we cling to run?