A Message From the Stone People

“We carry this.” The Stone People said.

Somewhere in the forests of Southern Oregon…

I opened my heart and approached a guardian rock to ask if it would share a story with me. It said ‘No.’ So I asked again, differently this time, “Will you share a story with me… to tell others?”

It agreed.

They showed me a woman running through the woods to the river. She was in deep pain, hurt by some recent event that had passed. In her agony she cut open a fresh wound from the center of her chest, and bled out, spilling the contents of her sorrowful heart onto the Earth. She purged, embedding her memory of suffering into the Earth.

“We carry this.” The Stone People said.

The Invisible Current

As I stood close with my eyes closed I felt a stream of particles passing around me. As if I was standing in a river and the water moved around, the stone was emitting energy that flowed around me.

Particles of energy make up everything we know. This is not woo, this is fact. We feel it around us almost all of the time. If you tune it, it’s always there. And energies shift, and we notice it. These particles of energy power everything, the electronics we depend upon every day, the neurons in our brains, the cells in our bodies. It is mostly an invisible current, yet we live in it, around it, and because of it, every second.

The Record Needs Keeping

The Stone People say, be responsible with your energy. The Earth is not for you to purge on. The Earth is only for you to love and elevate, to transmute and create. Approach the Earth as you would any sacred place.

The stones record our stories. They remember the pain, sorrow and anger. It is our responsibility to care for that. To deal with it, and transform it so that we can be the impactful presence Earth truly needs to heal.

No ‘Saving’ the Earth

It’s not about saving her, or taking care of the outer hurt, the outer wounds. Just like our bodies, we must heal from within. The Earth is suffering from our own internal suffering and misdirection of energy. The disease is born from within. Remember that.

Take care to cleanse yourself and release before you try to hand it off or hold it in. It must be dealt with. Your energy is the biggest responsibility you have to “worry” about.

We wish so much to “do something,” to fix it, to fight. Please remember this, as the gurus and teachers that have come before us, and the guides beyond this world many of us connect with—they have said time and time again that our most powerful tool is stored within, and we must begin there before we do anything else.

But we live in a modern world where change happens fast, and word spreads quickly, and we wish to do something now! Feel satisfied about it now!

Well, we’ve done that. And we have scattered minds, with collective anxiety on the rise. More suffering to dwell upon, more suffering to come.

The Guidance Says—

“Discipline your thoughts, and offer your prayers.” Because the inner work allows us to sanctify our energetic output, thus affecting real lasting change. The outer work does some, but nothing in comparison to what the inner work can do.

This is what the Stone People have shared with me: Please be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Know that that is more effective and important than anything you can rush to “do” —for yourself or anyone else.

As small, or simple and unimportant as it may seem, please try to understand… if you care about the Earth and its people, transform yourself. Become a beaming star upon this world, a guiding source of true freedom and power.

Take responsibility for all of it and forgive yourself for all it.

Beyond the irks, the irritations and some, begin to see the Divinity in everything, in everyone. Love yourself and others around you, just a little more each and every day.

This is the most important work there is to be done.


The Paradox


Your Will, Your Way